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Work Package 3

Human System Model - Earth System Model coupling

Figure 1: Estimation of possible dispersal routes derived from a climate based Human Expansion Model and borders of occupation for both Aurignacian phases (P1: 45-38k BP, P2: 38-33k BP), with the likely migration routes corresponding to the first and the routes of expansion to the second phase. See Shao et al. (2021) for further details.

This subproject within the HESCOR initiative centers on reconstructing paleoenvironmental and paleoclimate data from 45-15 ka BP using Earth System Modeling. It aims to integrate these climate models with Human System models and apply the resulting coupled systems to address various archaeological and anthropological questions, for example the occupation of Europe by the Genetical Modern Human (see Figure 1). This project is crucial for understanding the intricate relationships between Earth's past climates and human evolution, offering insights into the resilience and adaptability of human societies in the face of environmental changes.

Related Publications

  • Y. Shao, H. Limberg, K. Klein, C. Wegener, I. Schmidt, G. C. Weniger, A. Hense, and M. Rostami. Human-existence probability of the aurignacian techno-complex under extreme climate conditions. Quaternary Science Reviews, 263:106995, jul 2021. ISSN 02773791. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2021.106995.

Researchers and Principal Investigators

Crewell, Susanne

Principal Investigator WP3

Vogel, Annika

Researcher WP3


Institute of Geophysics and Meteorology

Wegener, Christian